Buy meat & fleeces
Lamb, hoggets and mutton
Whilst currently most of our lambs (and calves) go to nearby lowland farmers (who have more grass) for finishing, we are keen to develop our business to be able to supply meat direct to people who care about their food comes from.
Because our sheep are 100% ‘grass-fed’ they grow more slowly than most, and so are generally not ready to slaughter until they are at least 15 months old. This is better for the planet, and results in tastier meat. Lambs in their second year are called 'hoggets', and their meat is still tender, but they are a good size and very tasty. We also occasionally have mutton (2 year old sheep) who we didn't get around to sending off to market the previous year. Although mutton takes more careful, slower cooking the meat is particularly rich in flavour.
To minimise any stress to the animals, they are transported direct to our local abattoir in Ashburton (30 mins away). They then go to Taste of the West medal winning, local butchers who will joint it to your specification (an option for the larger breeds is to split them into 2 or 4-person portion sizes), then label and vacuum pack it so it’s ready for freezing. A typical half lamb / hogget / mutton box will contain:
2 leg joints (typically 1.0 - 1.2 kg for Icelandic/Shetland & 1.7 kg fpr a Zwartble)
2 shoulders (typically 1.0 - 1.2 kg for Icelandic/Shetland & 1.6 kg fpr a Zwartble)
Rib Rack or Rib chops
7 Loin Chops
Mince / cubes
The weight varies according to the breed. We mostly have Icelandic's & Shetlands that will be minimum 6 kg, and we have some Black Welsh mountain who are typically 8 kg and a few Swartlbles that are 10 kg+

What you get in a typical lamb box.
Pricing: ½ lamb / hogget box £10/kg - typically around 6 - 7kg
Wool and fleeces
Please get in touch if you'd like to buy any of our wool or fleeces. The Shetland and Icelandic's come in a wide range of colours, so if you come and see us beforehand or make arrangements to come on shearing days you can meet the sheep, choose the ones you like most we'll try and we'll get it clipped for you.