High welfare, pasture fed livestock

We have around 300 sheep of various breeds.
Icelandic & Shetlands:
These small sheep are light on their feet and delicate and are very fond of grazing gorse and rough grasses. We keep them for their beautiful coloured fleeces and we will be selling their meat which is quite gamey and low fat.

This rare breed from Yorkshire has a beautiful fleece, the wool is long and crimped, and they were highly prized in the past. We have a small family group of white Wensleydales and a single black male, Sooty Man. They are all very friendly and love to be petted.

This striking Dutch breed are better suited to the lowlands but they are lovely mums, so we keep them so that at lambing time we can have a foster mum for any lambs who are not getting enough milk. They are very docile, sometimes they will have two or three extra lambs as well as their own, which is the best start for any orphan.